Stephen Gale is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania. His research and teaching are in technology transfer and business development, real estate analysis, security, and project evaluation. His work on terrorism has dealt with the creation and use of software systems for integrated security analysis, the development and analysis of security scenarios, and the application of negotiation models. He has testified on Capitol Hill, appears frequently in the media, and has done consulting for a variety of corporations and governmental agencies. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.


DYNM 607: Valuation

DYNM 635: Technological Factors Affecting Organizational Innovation

DYNM 642: Allocating Resources: Economic, Technological, and Human

DYNM 655:  Using the Political Process to Effect Organizational Change
(co-taught with Robert Brady)

DYNM 680: Organizational Roles



"Standards of Intelligence Reasoning, November 14, 2003," Foreign Policy Research Institute. Available at:

"September 11, 2003: Why America is Still Asleep" Foreign Policy Research Institute. Available at:  

"Assessing the Business Contribution of a Security Function," (with Jacqueline R. Meszaros, Security Joumal, 1(4), 194-197, 1990.


Foreign Policy Research Institute



University of Pennsylvania
Political Science Department
208 S. 37th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Telephone: 215-898-6750
Fax: 215-